

Thursday 26 June 2014

11 whole reasons to support a National Public Libraries Festival

Did you know we are crowdfunding the first national public libraries festival? No! (Have you been sleeping under a stone?!) The campaign runs for another 12 days but we don't have quite enough money yet. We need another £18000 or so. So here are some very good reasons to donate!

1. Show off! Done something great at your library - an event, workshop, collaboration, project, new service or exhibition? Send along ambassadors and shout about it!

2. Shape the future of positive public library advocacy.and help libraries and their communities thrive. Where there’s a need to be met in the community, the library will look for a strategy to meet it. Libraries are awesome, let’s make some noise!

3. Sharing! A national festival will encourage collaboration between libraries and library staff and drive forward knowledge sharing up and down the country.

4. Showing not telling. The festival events, workshops and performances will showcase the creativity and innovation happening in libraries around the UK today.

5. Help shift perceptions of public libraries. Library staff across the UK are trailblazing new partnerships, projects and services all the time. Let’s focus the attention on them!

6. Celebrate the past, demonstrate the future - the one-day festival coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act, and brings together an exciting programme of interactive workshops, engaging discussions, fun events, live music and theatre and much more

7. Optimists unite! Back the Crowdfunder campaign and show that you believe libraries have a strong dynamic future. Help make the festival an annual event and one that grows in stature every year.

8. Make some more noise! We love National Libraries day and truly believe we can't have enough library celebrations and positive events. The more the merrier!

9. Reach new audiences. Can a festival get more people to join libraries? There's only one way to find out!  We believe our programme of exciting and unexpected events and performances will attract new visitors and members.

10. Let's get people thinking and talking about libraries in a different way. A festival will animate the library space in new ways. Can we inspire the public to use library in new ways too?

11. A #PubLibFest t shirt! A hoody! A free bar! These rewards and more can be yours if you pledge some cash today at

If you are interested in becoming a PubLibFest corporate or institutional sponsor, please contact Sue Lawson or Richard Veevers at

Keep up to date with PubLibFest by following the #PubLibFest hashtag on Twitter, bookmarking our blog, or following LibraryCamp on Twitter and Facebook

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